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Bayla - B.S., Physical Therapist

Bayla has over 30 years experience as a Physical Therapist having graduated from Washington University’s medical school – program in Physical Therapy, St Louis Missouri in 1984. She served for 2 years as a research assistant in the physiological psychology department as part of her Bachelor of Science degree in psychology from Wayne State University, Detroit Michigan.


Bayla believes that the older adult should not ‘age gracefully’ but instead be proactive about their health and functional abilities and age with strength, balance and a fierce vitality well into their 9th decade of life! A preventable decline in physical fitness should not force an older adult to move out of their home. Age in the Place of your choice!



  • B.S.

  • Licensed Physical Therapist

  • Certified Balance and Mobility Specialist Instructor

  • Stepping On Workshop Leader Certified

  • Tai Chi Movement for Better Balance Instructor Certification

  • Delay The Disease Parkinson’s Exercise Instructor Certified (OhioHealth) (May 2018)

  • First Aid, CPR, AED qualified


Advanced training:

Motor Learning Certificate program


Bayla also agrees with the American Physical Therapy Association’s Choosing Wisely Campaign which has noted the importance of not under-dosing strength training in aging adults. This new educational initiative is stressing the importance of matching the intensity and duration of exercise to an individual’s functional goals and abilities. It is based on incorporating realistic and prioritized interventions performed at the appropriate intensity in four major impairment areas: posture, strength, aerobic conditioning and balance. 


With her expertise in exercise prescription, design and therapeutic intervention for the older adult, Bayla is able to bridge the gap between exercise and return to function. Specificity and proper exercise programming and implementation directly effects human movement and a return to the necessary functional skills that lead to task performance and then onward to remaining independent in one’s house and community. Bayla believes that cookbooks are great if you are roasting a chicken, but have no place what so ever in effective exercise programming for her clients!


The first half of her career was spent practicing in an outpatient clinic with an emphasis on manual orthopedic therapeutic intervention. In 1988, Bayla traveled to England attending the IFOMT (International Federation of Manipulative Therapy) convention and met the original pioneers of the field who inspired her to go on to develop her skills in this specific discipline. While in England, Bayla was exposed to the original research efforts of B. Elvey on upper limb tension testing for cervical and upper extremity dysfunction and the use of neuro-mobilization techniques and also studied the Cyriax approach; and when she returned home devoted a year to studying the Maitland –Australian manual therapy approach to evaluation and treatment of orthopedic dysfunction.


Bayla spent time away from her career to devote to her husband and four children. Upon returning to the practice of physical therapy, Bayla found that her interests and passions were now directed toward the wellbeing, fitness and Fall Risk Reduction programming for the older adult. She continued her education with advanced training in the areas of spine and hip dysfunction, total joint replacement management, osteoarthritis, vestibular/BPPV, osteoporosis, cancer rehab, non-invasive urinary incontinence management, and interventions for multiple neurological diagnosis with an emphasis on stroke, traumatic brain injury after a fall and Parkinson disease with a focus on motor control and motor learning strategies for the recovery of gait(walking) and improved functional performance and mobility resulting in greater community  independence for her clients.


Bayla is grateful to the Oregon Health Authority for sponsoring her as she became  the first physical therapist in Oregon to achieve certification is all three of the CDC’s Senior Fall Reduction programs: Tai Chi Movement for Better Balance, Stepping On, and Otago.


Bayla received certification as Balance and Mobility Specialist Instructor from California State University – Fullerton, Gerokinesiology Department. FallProof was awarded ‘best practice’ for fall reduction programming by the National Council on Aging.


Bayla has been a member of the Multnomah County Healthy Aging Coalition, American Physical Therapy Association and served as part of the legislative committee of the MPTA gaining direct access for PT’s when she resided in Michigan. Bayla is committed to the education of the older adult and has developed multiple presentations and enjoys lecturing on issues that are important to seniors as they proactively move toward achieving wellness and remaining independent.

Proudly providing private physical therapy

Portland, Beaverton, Tigard, Lake Oswego,


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