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Resistance Training and Cancer

Jacqueline Sinke | ACSM EP-C

Exercise and in particular resistance training or strength training is know to reduce or prevent the adverse affects of cancer treatment such as chronic fatigue, body fat weight gain, physical impairment, bone loss, lymphedema, and a lower quality of life,

Receive Positive Health Benefits

Resistance training exercise for cancer patients and survivors with acute and late side effects from treatment (e.g. surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy) can provide positive impacts on health, muscular strength, physical function, body composition (body fat vs muscle tissue and bone density), psychosocial functioning, and quality of life.

Exercise Specifically Selected to Benefit Your Medical Conditions

Your exercise program and progression needs to take into consideration the type of cancer, whether cancer was part of the treatment, and how long you have been in recovery. Progressions will be different for breast cancer survivors compared to prostate or colon cancer survivors.

Special Considerations for Choosing Resistance Training

  • Chemo therapy increases risk for infection due to reduced immune system. Cleaning equipment before use or you may need to avoid public fitness centers temporarily to avoid infection.

  • Cancer patients or survivors with bone metastasis or with osteoporosis are at high risk for bone fracture and need to reduce and prevent falls.

  • Survivors with neuropathy will feel off-balance, may have problems with coordination and are also at increased or high risk for falling and injury.

Older Adults and Cancer Treatment

Many cancers develop as we age and become apparent at older age 60-80+ years of age. We see many older and senior adults choosing cancer treatment in their 70’s and 80’s. Going through cancer treatment as an older adult comes with additional challenges. Not only does treatment accelerate the aging process, many older adults have additional previously diagnosed medical conditions that maybe affected by the treatment and /or worsens the condition such as diabetes, osteoporosis, have had joint replacements, heart disease, high blood pressure, balance problems, dizziness, muscle weakness, and falls.

Speed up Your Recovery Process

Even when you have been diagnosed with some type of cancer, it helps when you are physically in good shape with a high level of reserve or a buffer zone. Good strength, stamina, endurance and cardiovascular fitness will benefit the recovery process. Low functioning and frail older adults may not even quality for cancer treatment.

Returning to Exercise During and/or After Cancer Treatment

When you are returning to exercise your old exercise program may not provide you with the benefits you are looking for nor may if be safe and effective. A personal trainer/medical exercise specialist/ physiologist with advanced qualifications will be able to provide a comprehensive assessment and a develop an exercise program that meets your wellness goal, is safe and effective.

Ensure Your Safety

When you are receiving cancer treatment and/or have other chronic medical conditions, a Medical Release for Exercise from your oncologist or healthcare provider is recommended. Additional modifications to your exercise program will be needed for your exercise program to be safe and effective. A personal trainer with advanced qualifications such as ACE MES, ACSM EP-C, ACSM CET, ACSM/ACS CET can provide you with a training program that is specifically tailored to your health and medical status and meets your wellness needs.

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